Instructions for Use
1 Keyboard
2 Slot for Videopac
3 Videopac
4. Handsets
5 Joystick
6 Action button
7 Mains lead and adapter (adapter
supplied rn UK may differ (rom thai shown|
8 Output connector
1 Grundgeral rmit Tastatur
2 Schlilz (ur die
3 Vtdeopac-Cassette
4 Sedienungskaslchen
5 Spielhebet
6 Befehlsknopt
7 Neszteil und VerbincJungskabel
8 Anlcnnnen-Anschluf)
Instructions for Use
/ — I
Connect handsels and mains adapter to
Cor»nect a mams plug to the w^es Itom
the adapter
Remove aenal plug from TV set and
replace it by output cor^nectorol
Videopac Computer (It the connector
does not tit. get an adapter from your
dealer) Con nee I keyboard to mains
Switcti on TV set and allow it to warm up
Reserve one o( your TV programme-
selectors (or the Videopac Computer
Press this preselector
A Videopac contains sophisticated
electronics and must be treated carefully
Always replace a Videopac in its box
when no! in use
The Videopac Computer is only switched
olf when the mams plug is removed
It a Videopac does not perform satis-
factorily return both the Videopac and
the Videopac Computer to your dealer.
It the same picture is displayed
continuously on a TV for several hours
the screen may suffer damage
• Programmable video system based on
general-purpose microprocessor
• Full alphanumeric keyboard (48 keys)
and two loystick controls
• Computer accessories meet all
European safety standards
• Realistic sound. Volume adjustable on
TV set
• E ight colours, each with two
brightness levels.
• Up to 4k directly-addressable memory.
VIDIiOPAC <:0MI>U7I:I? G7000
Insert a Videopac into slot in keyboard
as stiown Press it down (irmly.
Tune ttie TV preselector on UHF Channel
32 (approxl until a picture is displayed
Touch RESET (.■ ) SELECT GAME is
displayed in colour Adjust volume
contfol on TV set Refer now to the
Instructions tof Use o( the Videopac
that has been inserted